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Marketing Concept | Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla Marketing Concept | The Brand Hopper

Guerilla marketing is an unconventional marketing technique or concept that is different from traditional marketing. It is generally executed in an open space where more public visits, places like streets, railway stations, etc. make it easier to garner more attention. It is implemented to enhance the engagement with the existing customers as they will recognize it quickly and react to creativity. Moreover, it leads to word of mouth.

 Whereas traditional marketing is capital-intensive, guerilla marketing is unique, catches the public’s attention, and surprises them. The significant investment being a creative idea. It can be said that it’s an investment of time and not money, as coming up with something creative requires a more considerable time.

Kitkat Guerilla Campaign | The Brand Hopper

It gets the name from Guerilla Warfare, an ancient warfare technique that dated back to the 6th century BC. In this war technique, small groups were formed, and the attack was made with an element of surprise, and it’s done when the opponent expects it the least.

Some biggest Guerilla Marketing Failures

  • In Boston, Cartoon Network tried to promote a film with a battery-powered LED placard, which led to a bomb scare in the whole city, known as the 2007 Boston Mooninite panic.
  • For the promotion for Mission Impossible III, Paramount Movie attached digital audio players in the vending machine that would play the movie’s theme song. But sometimes it falls apart, and it was mistakenly considered as a bomb.

Some Cool Guerilla Marketing Executions

Also Read: BCG Matrix

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