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Marketing Concept | Brand Element Choice Criteria

Brand Element Choice Criteria | the Brand Hopper

Brand element is an intangible which can be trademarked, that identifies and differentiates the brand. Brand elements set the character of the brand. There are a total of six criteria for choosing brand elements:

How to Choose Brand Elements (The selection Criteria) – Marketing Now

  1. Memorable– How easily can someone remember, recall, or recognise the brand elements. E.g., A short name can be easy to remember.
  2. Meaningful– It denotes the credibility of the brand element or suggests the corresponding category, product ingredient, or segment of people that will use the brand. E.g., Duracell battery, Muscleblaze.
  3. Likeable– It’s all about the aesthetic appeal that your brand element has. Be it a unique logo, a playful name like Dropbox or Pinterest.
  4. Transferable– Ability of brand elements to introduce new products in the same or different categories. E.g., Amazon is also the name of the biggest river in the world, which suggests the diversity that company offers.
  5. Adaptable It means the adaptability or ability of a brand element to update itself. E.g., The logo of Pepsi has been redesigned 12 times to keep up with the times.
  6. Protectable– It means how legally or competitively protected the brand element is. One should not allow their brand name to become a generic one.

The former three- memorability, meaningfulness and likability are brand-building elements while the latter three- transferability, adaptability, and protectability are defensive. They preserve brand equity.

Also Read: Brand Extension


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