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Category: Resources

Understanding Customer Persona: A Key Element in Developing Your Marketing Strategy

In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, understanding your audience isn’t optional, it’s an imperative. Gone are the days of generic messaging and mass marketing campaigns. Consumers crave relevance, connection, and an experience that speaks directly to their individual needs and desires.This is where customer personas come in, playing a crucial role in crafting targeted and effective marketing […]

Understanding the 3Cs of Branding

The benefits of having a strong brand are tremendous. Strong brands charge premium pricing; they thrive during economic downturns; they attract great employees, partners and customers; and they can extend into new business areas with ease. In addition to being able to boast these enviable benefits, strong brands have something else in common. They all […]

Affiliate Marketing – Meaning, Examples And Implementation Guide

In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to expand their reach, increase brand awareness, and boost sales. One such effective strategy that has gained immense popularity is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing allows businesses to collaborate with individuals or other businesses, known as affiliates, who promote their products or services in exchange for […]

Forrester’s 5 Is of Digital Marketing – Concept & Examples

Forrester’s 5 Is framework is a marketing strategy framework that focuses on building strong customer relationships. The framework outlines five key components that marketers should consider in order to create a comprehensive and effective marketing plan. These five components are Involvement, Interaction, Intimacy, Influence, and Individual. Involvement The first component of the 5 Is framework […]

SaaS Business Model and How It Works?

In 2011, venture capital investor Marc Andreessen published his famous article “Why Software Is Eating the World”. He boldly predicted that software will become an essential part of our daily lives. Over 10 years later, his predication became reality. Nowadays, software companies such as Google or Microsoft, are some of the most profitable and valuable companies in the […]

Different Types of Advertising – Meaning, Types and Examples

What Is Advertising? Advertising is more like a form of marketing communication, it’s one of the crucial elements of the organization’s marketing strategy. Businesses across the globe use advertising to spread the word about their services and products through several channels. What’s more, today’s fast-paced tech world has changed the landscape of advertising, with broadcast and […]

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