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Spacemaker AI – The Startup Defining The Future Of Urban Infrastructure

Spacemaker AI Brand Story | The Brand hopper

About Spacemaker

It is a Norwegian startup that develops AI tools to help real estate developers and architects. So that they may make better design selections while constructing cities. Furthermore, it promises to empower property development professionals such as real estate developers, urban planners, and architects. As a result, every multi-building residential complex may be evaluated and developed with the best environmental design.

Spacemaker story | the brand hopper

The beginnings of Spacemaker AI

Havard Haukeland and Carl Christensen created Spacemaker AI in late 2016. Havard Haukeland has a background in architecture and technology, having worked as an architect and in urban design. Carl Christensen earned a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and a master’s degree in business administration and economics.

The digital solution was developed as part of a four-year scientific research project funded by Aspelin Ramm, AF Eiendom, Stor-Oslo Eiendom, and SINTEF, among others. Spacemaker AI then earned up to 15 million Norwegian kroners ($1.8 million) in funding from The Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway, and Simula Research Laboratory to further develop their digital solution.

They have evolved from a small firm with 20 workers in one year to a small company with 20 employees in October 2017. They were considering the use of artificial intelligence in city planning and construction sites at the time. A group of investors joined together in September 2017 to invest 22 million Norwegian kroners ($2.65 million) in the startup. In addition, a portion of the Norwegian leadership group in CBRE opted to invest with CBRE, which is one of the leading commercial property consultants registered in New York.

spacemaker brand story | the brand hopper

Only two weeks after their first assignment, they claimed to have been approached for collaboration by more than 100 clients, and Hvard Haukeland was selected as Norway’s best leadership talent of the year.

At the time, in 2017, one of their main investor’s CEOs was determined that if they were to succeed, it had to be on a global scale. Their answer evolved into a hybrid of architecture and the realm of artificial intelligence. They were using a sophisticated set of considerations for each property project, taking into account a wide variety of elements using complex arithmetic. Nonetheless, they acknowledged that not all architectural attributes could be measured.

According to co-founder Havard Haukeland, Spacemaker AI was selected one of the 500 most innovative businesses by Hello Tomorrow, a major foundation that accelerates startups and tech entrepreneurship, near the end of 2017. Around this period, they were rebranded by the agency Racecar.

Research has been at the heart of the company’s activities from its inception and appears to have remained so. In the middle of 2018, Spacemaker AI opened its first full-time office in the United States, with Jordan Hoffman as its first full-time employee. His experience in applied mathematics appears to be a good fit for the organisation, since the company had posted their makeup earlier that year.

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The world’s first AI-assisted design and construction simulation software

Spacemaker created “the world’s first” AI-assisted design and construction simulation software for the real estate industry. In fact, it has created a game-changing AI system that allows users to uncover smarter methods to optimise the potential of the building site.

Spacemaker’s products allow customers to examine a wide range of site possibilities. This aids in sorting out the top ones while also providing detailed analysis for each. Furthermore, the organisation facilitates insights and collaborative workflow among various levels of authority required to construct any site. Municipalities, real estate developers, engineers, and architects are just a few examples. It has recently acquired partners such as Skanska, OBOS, AF Gruppen, and others. These are the most influential real estate development and architectural enterprises in Northern Europe.

How Spacemaker is Helping to Build Sustainable Urban Cities?

With expanding urban populations, we need cities that are both sustainable and livable. However, using traditional construction procedures, the same structure cannot be built. The available land should be utilised properly to produce a pleasant residency while developing new urban districts. In addition, many additional issues must be considered while developing sustainable metropolitan communities. For example, space optimization, sunlight exposure, noise, wind, and a variety of other factors.

To do this, Spacemaker created AI-based software that allows for a sense-check of their building blueprints. In addition, it demonstrates design optimization taking into account the numerous elements mentioned above. This programme does so by crunching multiple data sets. Physical facts, legislation, environmental conditions, and other preferences are all included. Following that, it presents at most twenty to thirty possibilities, taking into account all aspects.

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