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Day: April 30, 2023

Transforming Teleco: The Story of Deutsche Telekom Digital Revolution

Deutsche Telekom is a telecommunications company based in Bonn, Germany. It is one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies, providing a range of telecommunications and information technology services to millions of customers worldwide. We’ll explore the inspiring story of the teleco in this article. Deutsche Telekom operates in more than 50 countries, with a […]

Tencent: From Instant Messaging to Global Gaming Dominance

Tencent is a Chinese multinational conglomerate that operates primarily in the technology and entertainment industries. It was founded in November 1998 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Tencent’s core business is in social media and gaming, but it has also expanded into various other areas, including music, e-commerce, advertising, fintech, and artificial intelligence. Its flagship […]

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