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Day: June 26, 2023

Understanding the 3Cs of Branding

The benefits of having a strong brand are tremendous. Strong brands charge premium pricing; they thrive during economic downturns; they attract great employees, partners and customers; and they can extend into new business areas with ease. In addition to being able to boast these enviable benefits, strong brands have something else in common. They all […]

Case Study | Launching And Establishing Oreo in India

Introduction For most of its 100-year plus existence, Oreo was consistently America’s best loved cookie, but today it is a well-established global brand. Mondelez International moved it into emerging markets quickly learning the rules of success in these hitherto unfamiliar markets, changing and refining the brands strategy and ultimately triumphed in winning over consumers. This […]

Marketing Strategies and Marketing Mix of Furla

In the realm of luxury fashion, certain brands possess the exceptional ability to transcend fleeting trends and create an enduring legacy. Furla, an Italian fashion house renowned for its impeccable craftsmanship and timeless designs, stands proudly as one such brand. With a rich heritage spanning over nine decades, Furla has cultivated a reputation for producing […]

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