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Day: September 26, 2024

How Insurance Underwriting Software Streamlines Risk Assessment and Improves Accuracy

Insurance underwriting involves assessing the information given by potential policyholders to understand the risks associated with issuing a policy to them. An underwriter prepares the premiums and terms of the coverage by assessing the applicant’s history, health status, and other critical personal data. However, as the insurance industry is expanding with a huge surge of […]

Generational Marketing Explained: Essentials You Need to Know

“Generational marketing” might sound like a strange concept. After all, marketing is marketing. Determine your product, choose the appropriate message, define your media. Done. Well, there’s more to it than that. Actually, there are specific differences between marketing directed  towards Baby Boomers and Generation X, and equally significant ones between Generation X and Generation Z. […]

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