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Category: Resources

Marketing Concept | How do Search Engines Work

How do Search Engines Work? Search engines like Google, Baidu, Microsoft Bing and many others work to provide users with most relevant search results. To solve searcher’s query, search engine has to understand not only what the user wants but also how data on the internet is organized. The most basic functions of any search […]

Marketing Concept | Social Listening

Social Listening helps companies to efficiently track what’s being said on Social Media in real-time and track social media mentions across platforms. This helps the company identify what people are talking about their products, competitors and their experience with it.  For example, You open a bakery shop in the neighbourhood and you sell different sort […]

Marketing Concept | Shewhart Cycle (PDCA Cycle)

Management consultant, Dr. William Edwards Deming developed a method known as PDCA cycle/Shewhart Cycle in the 1950s to identify why some products or processes do not function as expected. His strategy, used by many different types of organizations, has since become a popular strategy tool. It makes it possible for them to formulate theories about […]

Marketing Concept | 5S Of Digital Marketing

Any company that is aiming to engage in digital marketing should point their objective by following Chaffey and Smith’s 5S of digital marketing. These 5s cover a range of different measures to help set, review, and control performance across all digital marketing activities.  The 5s include Sell, Serve, Speak, Save, and Sizzle which will be discussed further. Sell – […]

Marketing Concept | Cause Marketing

Consumers are becoming aware of the inequality surrounding them, and they seek to make a difference. Cause Marketing (a type of CSR) serves as a bridge between for-profit and non-profit organizations to cater to their mutual benefits. It gives people the opportunity to help. Brands have the capacity and resources to raise the awareness of […]

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