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Author: Paras Wadhwa

Featured Startup | RentoMojo – Spend Smart, Start Renting

The increasing popularity of the sharing economy has encouraged businesses to allow consumers on a use-per-need basis to avoid purchases and instead rent goods and services. Today’s millennials believe only in sharing rather than buying. Suppose it’s workspaces, cabs, or even furnishings. As we move forward in the future, we see much more modernization of […]

Featured Startup | Big Basket- India’s Grocery Marketplace

India’s online grocery delivery market is projected to see a 76% year-on-year rise in revenue in 2020 to $3 billion in volume. As the COVID-19 shutdown and quarantine steps compel Indian customers to change their shopping patterns, websites such as BigBasket, Amazon, JioMart, and Grofers have benefited from this situation. Although these businesses have been […]

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