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Tag: marketing concept

Marketing Concept | Cause Marketing

Consumers are becoming aware of the inequality surrounding them, and they seek to make a difference. Cause Marketing (a type of CSR) serves as a bridge between for-profit and non-profit organizations to cater to their mutual benefits. It gives people the opportunity to help. Brands have the capacity and resources to raise the awareness of […]

Marketing Concept | Ansoff Matrix

The Ansoff Matrix is a marketing model used by firms to analyze their product and plan strategies for product/market growth. Popularly known as the Product/Market Expansion Grid, was developed by the business manager, and applied mathematician H Igor Ansoff in 1957. This matrix helped many marketers to understand the risk involved in growing their business. […]

Marketing Concept | Grassroots Marketing

Grassroots Marketing is purposefully targeting a high niche group of people to persuade that group to propagate your message then organically. The defining concept behind the marketing of grassroots is one of audience and intent. To succeed, Grassroots marketing depends heavily on social media and virality. Since encouraging people to share a story is an […]

Marketing Concept | The Burrito Principle

The concept of the Burrito principle is among those marketing principles that will help get the most out of online marketing channels such as social media posts or email marketing. Even the most creative of campaigns can underperform if not delivered effectively, and The Burrito Principle helps us understand how to achieve the kind of […]

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