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The Man Your Man Could Smell Like: A Case Study on Old Spice Branding Campaign

Old Spice Case Study | The Brand Hopper

Old Spice is a brand that has been around for over 75 years. While it has a loyal customer base, it was struggling to connect with younger audiences who perceived the brand as outdated and uncool. In 2010, Old Spice launched its “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign, which was aimed at repositioning the brand as a hip and modern brand that appeals to both men and women.


The “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign was developed by advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy. The strategy behind the campaign was to create a memorable character who embodies the Old Spice brand and appeals to both men and women. The character, played by actor Isaiah Mustafa, is a hyper-masculine, charming, and humorous figure who speaks directly to the audience.


The campaign launched with a 30-second commercial that aired during the 2010 Super Bowl. The commercial features Mustafa delivering a monologue while standing in a bathroom, where he transforms from a showering man to a towel-clad Casanova on a boat. The commercial was a huge success, and it quickly went viral on social media, generating millions of views.

Following the success of the initial commercial, Old Spice created a series of follow-up commercials featuring Mustafa. The commercials were all shot in the same style, with Mustafa delivering humorous monologues while showcasing Old Spice products. The campaign also included a social media component, where Mustafa responded to tweets and comments from fans in real-time, creating a personal connection with the audience.


The “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign was a huge success for Old Spice. The initial commercial generated over 40 million views on YouTube, making it the most-watched video in the history of the platform at the time. The campaign also helped to reposition the Old Spice brand as a hip and modern brand that appeals to younger audiences. Sales of Old Spice products increased significantly, with the brand experiencing a 107% increase in body wash sales in the first three months of the campaign.


The “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign is a great example of how a well-executed branding campaign can have a significant impact on a brand’s perception and sales. The campaign was successful because it created a memorable character who embodied the Old Spice brand and used humor and charm to connect with audiences. The campaign was also successful because it included a social media component, which helped to create a personal connection between the character and the audience. Overall, the campaign was a huge success for Old Spice, and it helped to reposition the brand as a hip and modern brand that appeals to younger audiences.

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