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Case Study | IKEA “Glocal” Marketing Strategy In China

It is well known that for the past few decades, companies have been trying to design an effective marketing strategy for the global market while also catering to local needs and demands. This sort of strategy is called “Globally local” or “Glocal”. Thus companies take into consideration of local cultural, social, economic and linguistic factors while […]

Featured Startup | Swiggy – The Ultimate Food Delivery App

When you have an entrepreneurial mindset, nothing can stop you. Mr. Sriharsha Majety, the current CEO of Swiggy, believes in it when he says “Entrepreneurship was always in his blood”. Even after having his shares of failures, he, Mr. Nandan Reddy, and Mr. Rahul Jamini started what eventually became India’s largest and highest-valued online food […]

Marketing Concept | Immersive Technology – 360, Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Immersive technology is those technologies that integrate virtual and real-world elements. It creates a sense of immersion by emulating the physical and real-world with the means of the digital world. It thus creates a blur between the real and virtual worlds.  In other words, it leverages the 360-degree space around us. Some types of immersive […]

Marketing Concept | The Golden Circle Principle

Simon Shrek explained the concept of Golden circle principle in his TED talk. The golden circle principle aims to explain why a few brands and organizations can succeed in differentiating themselves better than the competitors. Despite essentially providing the same services or products, some companies are more successful than others. It all boils down to […]

Brand | Pinterest – The Unique Social Media With Unique Brand Story

Pinterest can be referred to as an online search platform, just visually. People can upload images or links as “pins”, combine several and create a “board”, and other people who like those “pins” can “pin” it. There are more than 200 billion pins on the website currently. The search platform can be driven both textually […]

NASA – Getting Humans To All Things Exciting In The Space And Beyond

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is an independent U.S. governmental agency established in 1958 for the research and development of vehicles and activities for the exploration of space within and outside Earth’s atmosphere. The organization is composed of four mission directorates: Aeronautics Research, for the development of advanced aviation technologies; Science, dealing with programs for understanding the origin, structure, and evolution of […]

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